Scientific Manuscripts submitted to “Clinical Nephrology” journal editors office for publishing on paper and electronic media are to be reviewed.

In 10 days Managing Editor reviews the submitted article for the conformance to the requirements of the journal and after passes it to science editor who determines compliance with scope of the journal, scientific value and sends the article to reviewer.

The reviewer can be a member of editorial board or an invited professional specializing in the theme of the article.

Reviewing period is 1 week, is controlled by the editor’s office and can be changed.

The review has to point out the correlation of the title with the content, actuality and academicism, accomplishments and limitations, publishing viability is examined. On the basis of the review the following options are available: a. the provided article is recommended for publishing; b. limitations identified by reviewer are to be corrected; c. another professional review is demanded; d. publication is unadvisable (a motivated denial is provided). The review is closed-door.

The review is sent by provided email to the author of the article upon request; also upon request to Ministry of Education and Science (MinObrNauki) and to State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of MinObrNauki.

In case if the reviewer suggests correcting or improving the article, the review is provided with the suggestion to take into account the remarks while working on new variant of the article or to dispose them with reason (partially or completely). If needed an improved article is sent for review again.

A motivated denial is provided to the author if the article is not published. An additional review can be performed by another specialist upon request of the author.

The final decision is made by editorial board via opened direct voting. In some cases publishing is available upon the decision of the Chief Editor. Editorial board decision is stated in protocol of editorial board meeting.

Original reviews are stored for 5 years.

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